I don't know how many of you use Intralink but if you do you should know what happend by now. For those of you who don't know yesterday afternoon Intralink would not let you log in. We checked our server switch boxes and anything else we could think of. Came in this morning and there was a email from "pro user" that there was a time out issue in a dll file in Intralink. After getting thru to the link we got it fixed and back to work. Some poor guy on this site even went as far as to re-load Intralink. At 2:40 pst we recieved a notice from ptc about this issue? What kind of piss poor type of responce from ptc. I can't believe that they did not tell Intralink users first thing in the morning? Countless hours of work must have been lost from people that never got the message of the problem. This has to be the lowest responce from ptc that I have ever seen. You can bet that they told their big customers first thing. Next time a problem appears like this again, I hope top brass at ptc pulls their head out if their A*#!!!