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Intralink server and MS upates


New member
Our Intralink 3.4 server is running on MS Server 2003, it is also an Active Directory Domain Controller running DNS etc. for the network.

I don't really have a strategy or the ability to test the Microsoft Updates that are regularly flagged as available so typically do not install them. Does anybody have any system admin experience with regards to this matter? Do you typically download and install them or take a more cautious approach?

I routinely install and update on all the clients but for some reason on the server I have a nagging feeling that Oracle is going to break or something!

Any comments?

I only have bad experience to have Intratralink on a domain controller. A lot of problems and it was impossible to upgrade the intralink version. We have purchased a server only for Intralink.

Ptc does not support it.

You could also try to use Vmware and make a virtual server for Intralink. This way you get a cheap server only for Intralink. Vmware server is free
Thanks for the reply - when you say 'impossible to upgrade intralink' could you expand please?

What problems did you experience and was it physically or practically impossible?

I'm interested as we are set to update from 3.4 F000 to M040.

I get a lot of errors. When I call PTC support the try to help but without succes. Final we give up. PTC says they do not support Intralink on a domain controller. They have seen problems many times on domain controllers

I have update Interalink a number of times in different sites and on different hardware. I would say I am not a novice.

Perhaps you would be lucky.

