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Inverting a volume


New member
Hello all,
Suppose I have a hollow pipe containing "empty space". Is there a way for me to "invert" this geometry, so that the result is the volume consisting of the empty space inside the hollow pipe?
I need to do this in order to export it into a fluids solver so that I can analyze fluid flow inside the pipe. I would like to export only the fluids region and not the solid pipe itself.
Any help would be appreciated.


Start a new part and"Copy Geometry from Other Model", select all of theinternal surfaces of the pipe. Then "Fill" in the ends of the pipe, "Merge" the surfaces and "Solidify".
This can also be done within the part itself. Let us say
you have created a solid and then shelled it.
Before SHELLING...
1. Analysis -->model-->one-side volume...
Create a feature (say volume_1)
2. repeat the above after shelling and name it Volume_2
The volume of the containment V = Volume_1 - Volume_2
Create this volume using Excel analysis.
Add columns for parameters One_side_volume and Excel
analysis (on my computer it appears as XL_9_2.
Further help on above can be found under BMX.
NOTE: Excel analysis is part of Foundation (WF4); you do
not need BMX license.
Tried to upload an image, but couldn't hence attaching
the file.<a target="_blank" href="uploads/SRINIVASANIYER1/2009-08-
<br / target="_blank">08_085305_ONE_SIDE_VOLUME.rar">2009-08-


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