New member
This thread has been started to get your views as Mechanical Engineers and not as Pro/E users.There was a thread by puppet on what you would like to see on a drawing? There was also a view expressed by me in a thread that Hidden lines should never be shown in a drawing as a good practice though "Technically Correct". Instead one must add as many Sectional views REQUIRED for complete definition of geometry. This does not mean superflous data, but just the required data.
There was also a view expressed by Scubadude which I reproduce:
SRINIVASANIYER1,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O
I beg to differ on NEVER showing hidden lines. Having cut my teeth as a hand drafter for 5 years while getting my engineering degree, I feel that this is one of the most overlooked issues with engineers in general, especially new engineers. I believe it's BAD FORM to NOT show hidden lines. A drawing should have the least amount of views possible to completely convey design intent. To add views, simply because its easy, is not a good practice. I always add an orthogonal view to help clarify the part. I wouldn
There was also a view expressed by Scubadude which I reproduce:
SRINIVASANIYER1,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
I beg to differ on NEVER showing hidden lines. Having cut my teeth as a hand drafter for 5 years while getting my engineering degree, I feel that this is one of the most overlooked issues with engineers in general, especially new engineers. I believe it's BAD FORM to NOT show hidden lines. A drawing should have the least amount of views possible to completely convey design intent. To add views, simply because its easy, is not a good practice. I always add an orthogonal view to help clarify the part. I wouldn