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Is there a way to unlock a drawing in Creo2?


New member
We recently changed to Creo2 from WF5. Before, we could go into the file tab, and select lock/unlock. (The lock in PDMLink). Now, when you are in a drawing, there is no way to unlock it, save going out into the workspace and unlocking it there. But you can right click on the model name in the model tree, and there is a check box for lock/unlock. I can’t find anywhere on the drawing where you can unlock the drawing.

Any help out there?

In file menu File - Manage File - Lock File both locks and unlocks the drawing. That interface is very poor as you get no feedback of which way you toggle. It's similar with File - Check In menu where all options are available and e.g Check Out is not greyed out when the object already is Checked Out. The RMB menu for the file name updates according to what options are available.
In file menu File - Manage File - Lock File both locks and unlocks the drawing. That interface is very poor as you get no feedback of which way you toggle. It's similar with File - Check In menu where all options are available and e.g Check Out is not greyed out when the object already is Checked Out. The RMB menu for the file name updates according to what options are available.

I don't have File - Manage File - Lock File. See below.


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You will not get the Lock menu option if the file in the workspace has a modified status or if it has not been checked in.

