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ISDX[CREO] - development plans


New member

My Creo 2.0 package contains two critical to me extension - AAX, and ISDX. So there is a time sign/pay mainatance contract for next year.

As far as there is no doubt regarding AAX, I have doubts regsrding ISDX, because I`ve seen no significant changes/updates regarding ISDX since WF 5.0(correct me if I am wrong).

Any comments?
We dropped 7 of our 8 ISDX seats last renewal. As a design
firm, we ought to be the ones excited to use ISDX, but not
so. Why? inscrutable interface for one, difficult to
master for another, but the biggest reason is few of our
clients own it or understand it so it would be irresponsible for us to use it in models we need to hand
over to them.

ISDX does have a value - no doubt about that. I won`t extand this topic(buy ISDX or not), what I am just concern about that within last iterations of Pro/E - Creo, I did not notice significant changes/upgrades in respect to ISDX, I would admire or just be excited about.

Thus, I barely belive something is going to change in this subject soon.
Themost significant improvement with ISDXin Creo 2 isthe ability to changethe degree of curves and surfaces. It's not a huge deal formost people,but if your working on products that require Class A level surface quality than it brings you into the big leagues.

Just one more thing about the useability - the interface and workfloware a bit convoluted when compared with theregular Pro/CREO features, but I think that's the case with all the higher end surface modelers. They're all kind of in their own world with their own "culture of functionality". Anyways they've cleanedit up& simplified things a lot with the ribbon
Degree of the curve.... That was my doing ;)

I hope to get a G3 button soon.

And there is the nagon tool that is new in WF5.0 if you do that sort of modeling workflow. I don't usually cover it in my ISDX class. Lets you do a five sided surface. Works really well too.
Edited by: design-engine

