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ISDX datum point question


New member
I am working on a faceted model trying to establish Style curves to build surfaces. I establish datum points at important facet vertexes. Then in Style I create a curve by making points on the model near the datums using the shift key . Then I edit the curve and using the shift key again snap the curve points onto the datum points. My question is why can I not create the curve onto the datum points in the first place? Why will style only recognize the datum points when editing the curve? I am such a newbie. Do I just have something set up wrong?


John C
You should be able to hit the datums in the first case, ( When you create your curve)

No need for "edit curve" to achive this. And sorry, i dont know what you are doing "wrong" / different

I teach a technique in my reverse engineering course using ISDX however I can later delete the ISDX geometry thus letting the ISDX and subsequent features modifiable from the original data. Instead of using points like that....

Choose the points where you will then export them then re-import them without reference to the original facet geometry. Just reference the CSO. What you get is a parametric point set. I could elaborate I suppose but once you re-import those points they are parametric with respect to the CSO and you can modify each point interdependently.

I use a twenty techniques like this in my Level 5 class "advanced import workshop to create parametric surfaces" port-to-create-parametric-surfacesto aid the inevitable modification of the captured geometry.
Edited by: design-engine
Ok, it looks like I have two paths. One is that I shouldn't be having this problem in the first place so I need to try and find out if it is defective geometry or maladjusted software. The second approach looks like exporting only the important points then re-import them and they will be parametric and should be accessible. I haven't done anything like the second approach but it looks like an interesting learning experience. I'll try both and see what I get. I'd love to take some classes sometime but work doesn't do surfacing and won't pay for it. Especially during layoffs. Maybe I'll pay for it myself when the future looks more certain. Thanks for the info Bart and Tobias.

John C.


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