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ISDX: "export parameter" checkboxes?


New member
I'm learning to use ISDX (style) and in the drop-down panels where you can manipulate endpoint and tangency options for curves, there are checkboxes in front of the variables. I cannot figure out what these checkboxes are for. Do they serve any purpose? Can't find it anywhere in help files or the ISDX tutorials I have.

View attachment 2284

I dont know if this is what you mean, but when you check the value box and your curve endpoint is linked to another curve, edge, ... you can give a value 0..1 for relative or 0..curve length for the real value.

Its a bit like the datum 'point on curve'


No, that's not whatI mean. I was not asking what "length ratio" means. The checkbox is what confuses me, and it is present by many other variables (length, angle, and elevation under the tangency drop-down, for example).
Thanks! That solves the mystery.

