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Itchy Trigger Finger


New member
While making some changes to the Administration Triggers in Intralink (3.3), I inadvertently deleted one of my Object Attributes.

I quickly realized what I had done and redefined the attribute (it's an attibute that contains a list and is changed via a pull-down box in the workspace), except that now all of my files seemto have lost the setting that they were previouslysettoand have reverted to the 'default' setting.

Being that it is a 'version/filebased' attibute, wouldn't that mean that the drawing file itself holds this information and should be restored to its old setting? Is there a way to recover the settings for this attibute on all of my files? Or do I have to go back and re-set this attribute of all of my files?

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who can help me out on this one...

Edited by: tjallen29


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