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JLink Async App Won’t Load


New member
I believe I've figured out how to have a JLink async app start and connect to ProE. Here is my code for doing this:

  AsyncConnection connection = pfcAsyncConnection.AsyncConnection_Start("C:\\Program Files\\proeWildfire 3.0\\bin\\proe.exe", null);

  Session session = connection.GetSession();
 }catch(jxthrowable x){ System.out.println(x.toString()); }

The problem is when ProE starts it won't load any of the user's settings like or the Why would it do this? If it doesn't load the user's setting it's useless. Does anyone know how to have an async app load ProE in the same fashion as when I click my desktop icon? Thanks.

What I want to accomplish is a JLink app that will launch ProE and insert a button in the menu that will lauch a GUI to perform some file management operations.

Wildfire 3.0
Win XP pro
Well I managed to get the answer for this off the PTC forums.

When I start ProE from my desktop icon the icon has a setting for "Start In" which is where I have my configure files. However when I start ProE from the JLink AsyncConnection_Start() command it's unaware of the "Start In" setting and loads the default configurations.

I moved my and to "C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 3.0\text" which is the first place ProE looks for these files and everything started fine.

