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<div style="text-align: center;">Im having an interesting issue with a part that i have created for CFD and I would really appreciate some help. I created this part using Boundary Blend, which i then merged and solidified. I also used the Cut-Out function in the assembly to create the geometry i needed. The problem is that the guy doing CFD is having some trouble with the surface sections. Is there any way to get rid of the RED lines so that the surface is maybe one or two pieces and not 15 or 16.

<div style="text-align: left;">These surface sections seem to be created from ProE. I checked the defining sketches of the boundary blend and none have nodes at these points. Is this just how the program defines the curvature of the surface? or can something be done to make the surface singular?

Im fairly new to ProE so any advice would be helpful.

Thank You.
<div style="text-align: left;">Eric

there might be tangency or curvature discontiuties at those points in boundary blend sketches. removing those discontiuties will help. also try adding control points as bart suggests.

Edited by: solidworm
Hi Eric,

The 'lines' that are breaking up the surfaces are caused by vertexes contained within the sketches or edges that you used to create the boundary blends. If you go back and redefine the sketches and eliminate as many vertexes as possible, it will reduce the number of surface segments.

In theory, it is possible to eliminate all of the surface segments and be left with only one. To do so, you will need to define all of the contours (sketches/edges) with splines.

One other option is to create an approximated curve using your original curve. The approximated curve removes all of the vertexes.

Good luck
Thanks for the responses. The control points and curvature options within boundary blend took care of my problem. I will definitely be utilizing those options more often.



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