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Hello all, new here. Stumbled on this forum while trying to research laptops that efficiently run 3D CAD applications.

I'm looking for a laptop to run Solidworks / Cosmos. Do any of you use a laptop? Any recommendations? I imagine the challenge will be finding one with a decent video card.

I like Toshibas, but keep reading that Dell is best for this application.

Any help appreciated!


I use Solidworks/COSMOS on a DELL D600 with 1Gig RAM. Works
fine. I have turned off graphics acceleration, and turned down

Sup "d", thanks for the feedback.

Do you also use a PC with solidworks for a comparison, or are you on the laptop 100% of the time?
<div style="text-align: left;">Just with the laptop, so I cannot give a
good comparision. I will point out that I have seen SW on
desktops, and the redering and animation is much better, as SW works
well with the proper supported graphics cards.


I have a Sony and as long as I turn on the OpenGL feature, the software works fine. OpenGL allows the software to control the graphics rather than the graphics card. So you don't have to limit yourself to the laptop that you would like to use.
I realize I'll have to pay for it, but if I get a laptop, I want it to preform almost as good as the PC. Otherwise it will just piss me off and I'll never use it (If I know me).

Has anybody made the comparison from their workstation to one of the higher end laptops?

By higher end, I"m thinking 1,500 - 2,000 or so...
You struggle will be with the video card. Most laptops have
custom video cards that are close to their PC counterparts, but not the
same. This can cause issues with SW. That is why tate and
myself use OpenGL software graphics rather than hardware.

Make sure the laptop you select is on SW compatability list.

The EUROCOM D900K F-Bomb looks like the one, I use a AMD 64 processor in my desktop and it works great. If you're going to spent that kind of money on a laptop, you might as well be thinking for the future. 64-bit is coming and will be the standard in a year or so.

