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Large assembly with simplified rep


New member
Large assembly with simplified rep<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

The assy is to big to load into memory.
I have tried to make an simpl Rep by zone. So I have Alle componentsaround a localarea.

First viewmanager/(Tab)Xsec/new/(give name)ZoneD
In Xsec opts/Zone/done/
selected 3 planes to define the zone and pick the right side,
For each plane the right direction to complete it.
At the end ProE shows the box which you defined. Select Close

Then view/substitute/envelope manager/new/(give name)ZoneD
Mod Envelope/define/frome/evelope/
Envelope method/Create part/(name)ZoneDPart/creation options/copy from standard.part/(place component)/close/

viewmanager/(Tab)simp Rep/new/(give name)ZoneD
In Xsec opts/Zone/done/

To my knowledge it worked ok. But I don
Well correct way to creating simp reps are to this:
For very big asm: use interchange asm > replace complex asm, parts with simple parts (either using shrinkwraps or remodeling parts, asm as simplified, or create original parts with family table for simplifying).
Another way is to create simp rep excluding some components from asm, or excluding all components except one originally assembled if you have them in pattern (exclude them all except first one in pattern > this way component would be regenerate and their geometry should change but you would reduce time for regenerating).

For smaller asm use geometry rep, it would reduce retrieval time and regenerating but it wont work well for very large asm.

Zones are suppose to use for modeling within large parts or asm, and for drawing (particularly in you have some big model, and in one part of this model you want to model something and rest of part is just in your way then you use zone and remove other section of part that isn't needed).

Also try to search help for creating simp reps.

Hope it helps

Geometry Reps work exceptionally well and when used in drawings, make retreival
time much quicker and more manageable. I have used this method for models with in excess of 16,000 components. These models have opened on workstations using 1.8 processor and 1.5Gb of ram.

If you have trouble opening the top level in one hit try creating geometry reps of each of the larger sub assemblies and bring them into session one at a time then bring the top level in last.


Edited by: maxweston

