Is there a list of "gotchas" with respect to simplification of large assemblies?
What it amounts to, is that the assembly drawing in question needs a speed boost & the top level assembly exceeds the microsoft 1.6 GB per process limit.
The "fix" to utilize 3 GB per process involved a reload of the machine last time around, so that doesn't appear viable.
Need a good assessment of Graphic & Geom Reps & Envelopes.
Apparently you can't balloon to Geom Reps (unless it was a regular rep when the balloon was added).
(I cross-posted this in ASSYS as well).
What it amounts to, is that the assembly drawing in question needs a speed boost & the top level assembly exceeds the microsoft 1.6 GB per process limit.
The "fix" to utilize 3 GB per process involved a reload of the machine last time around, so that doesn't appear viable.
Need a good assessment of Graphic & Geom Reps & Envelopes.
Apparently you can't balloon to Geom Reps (unless it was a regular rep when the balloon was added).
(I cross-posted this in ASSYS as well).