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.lay file extension

Uni Phil

New member
I have downloaded some anthropometric bodies from the files on this site, and when checking them into commonspace in intralink I see that in my workspace that there is a file with an extension of .lay

I've looked on the internet and searched the forums here but to no avail. Can anyone shed some light as to what this file is?

Best regards,

It's a layout file I believe. This excerpt is from the Wildfire 2.0 Help...

A layout enables you to define the basic requirements and constraints of an assembly without having to deal with extensive or detailed geometry. It is a 2-D sketch you create in Layout mode to document and annotate parts and assemblies in a conceptual way. For instance, a layout can be a conceptual block diagram or reference sketch for your solid models, establishing parameters and relationships for their dimensions and placement to facilitate automatic assembly of the members. Layouts are not precision-scaled drawings and are not associative with actual three-dimensional (3-D) model geometry.
Edited by: Hacks
That is most likely a Pro/E layout file.

I think it requires a Pro/Notebook license to use. This may be included with the AAX Advanced Assembly eXtension because it is used for Top-Down Design.

A layout consists of simple 2d layouts for a product with named dimensions that are driven by tables. You use the Drawing sketcher to create representations of the geometry you want to control and add Dimensions with specific names like OVERALL_WID and TOTAL_LEN to control overall width length ninimum radius or whatever you call the dimensions. The value for these dimensions is shown by &DIM_NAME and can be modified by selecting the &dim_name text and Modifying it's value.

I have pasted a tutorial of mine for i^2 software version and have put some notes in showing wildfire equivalents but suggest you use the Menu mapper shown below to find how to do this in the WF ui.
2000i2 - > Wildfire Menu Mapper

To use layouts in a part or an assembly file you must Declare them Declare > Declare Lay (I guess File > Declare in WF) By declaring a layout you can use any of the Dimension Names in the Layout to drive model or assembly relations.



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