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Layer Workflow


New member
I'm relatively new to using layers and am creating some start parts for a FSAE team to use. What would be the general workflow for using layers to hide all part datums in assembly view, but not in each specific part view?

I have some layers created that collect the default __PRT datums for planes, axis, pnt, and csys, as well as sketches and copy geometry features, and also created mapkeys to automate creation on existing parts.
What's getting me stuck right now is how to use these layers (or any layer in general) to hide their contents, and how to do that efficiently. Right now I know I can right click the layer and hit "Select Items", then right click any item and hide "Hide" or "Unhide", but this doesn't work if one of the items' display state doesn't match the others (ie one item shown while all others currently hidden). I can't seem to find and thus define a Display State rule that specifically excludes any item that is already hidden. Any help for where to proceed from this?

I'd recommend taking a look at this document at the PTC User Community. There's a PDF attachment that I created to help explain the nuances of how layers work. I can't attach it here because of the silly file size restrictions.

Also you might check out the long layer thread here by Glenn Beer that inspired my document.

The short answer is that once you hide something by one layer, you cannot make it visible by unhiding another layer it lives on. You need to use the isolate command instead. Also, using the hide command on an item works slightly differently from hiding a layer that it lives on. Generally, using the hide command directly on a feature or item overrides any display settings on the layers is lives on.

