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Layers & Sheets


New member
Hey folks,

after finally learning the basics of layers and how to control them thanks to the users of this forum, I've come across a problem I am not able to solve. I have an assembly that needs 2 different exploded views so that the customer is able to understand how to put it together. Having said that while I would like to show in one of the exploded views (which is on Sheet 1) all of the offset lines, I would like to show only specific offset lines in Sheet 2, which is from a different angle and a close up (which means there are other offset lines cluttering the background and making it a lot harder to understand). Same goes for sub assemblies, which I would like to show on one sheet but hide in the second sheet of the same drawing.

Is there any way for me to set the layers so that I can tell ProE to apply some layer rules for a single sheet but not the other one as well?

Thanks for any help in advance!


PS: We are using Pro Engineer Wildfire 3.0 Education Edition.

Edited by: Maro
You can customize the exploded views in the drawing individually. No need for layers but you can use them too if you want. You can also blank components independently in every drawing view.

Naturally, you have to go to totally different parts of the user interface to accomplish these seemingly related tasks. For the explode go to drawing view/properties/view states/customize explode state. For the component display go to view/drawing display/component display. Note that to access the latter you can not have anything preselected.
I have found the "Customize Explode State" but as far as I can tell I don't have an option there to add/remove offset lines but just move the components. I will keep looking though, maybe I am missing something :)

Just to make sure I explained it right. If I had 2 different offset lines, I would like to show the 1st explode view I have saved one of them and the other explode view, which is also saved, to show the other offset line. If I hide one of these offset lines it will get hidden in both of these currently.

Edited by: Maro
You might want to define the 2 different explode stated in assembly rather than drawing mode. Name & save them and then call them up in the drawing. You can create the second by copying the first then just add/remove offset lines.

