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I didn't want to post to the bohemoth topic about mastering layers; didn't wanna get lost in there.As I was reading the powerpoint presentation, the guy mentioned that simplified reps should be used to hide components, which is how I started BUT, I have different reps and I want them all to have the same BOM. So my question is can two different simplified reps of the same assembly have the same bom (auto-bom) with the same numbers and such?
Unfortunately not. The workaround is to put the parts you want to hide on separate layers, and hide those layers in the respective views.
Uggghh! Po/E has done it again. Something that was almost a positive and they dropped the ball.
Try creating a rep where, instead of excluding components - they are changed to symbolic reps.

This has the advantage of taking the relevant models out of session and out of the drawing view display without eliminating the models from the bom.

This is going to leave behind a point, as a symbol representing the model. But Proe doesn't considered it a point, so it isn't captured by the layer rule....

Any one else care to chime in on how to hide the symbols of repped out components?

The Guy.

Edited by: gkbeer

