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Layouts, Top-Down & Skeletons OH MY!


New member
hi all,

i developed a Top-Down preliminary assembly with the top skeleton declared to a Layout.

this was created while i was at Mitsubish, big screen tv division.

the layout functionality is very cool.

i've linked to some screen shots showing how modifying a Layout table value updates the top level skeleton. through proper COPY GEOM, the lower level skeletons and parts update automatically.

Pro/Program could also be incorporated.

thought some might find this interesting.





using that system (and pro-program) we used one model for hundreds of
configurations (parts and dimension)...its infinitely more versitile
than simplified reps and instances. file sizes can be 100x smaller,
since only required parts are brought in and specific configurations
dont have to be saved. i wonder what other programs have something
Hi fhodshon, hi borf,

I think you were showing one of the most important Pro/E-features there. Great! Thanks to PTC and to you too.

I am just wondering what happens if you combine that with familytables.
Is there any way to get new instances of the "following part" when you
add another instance to the skeletton? I am always adding those
manually, but if you are having 20 or more parts which are related to
the skeletton it is getting quite boring to add those instances - also
the rate of mistakes is getting by far bigger.

I would appreciate your answer.

Have a nice weekend

so if skeleton instance = 1 all part instances = 1

if skeleton instance = 2 all part instances = 2

or something like that? im not aware of anything like that but i could be wrong. it would be a good thing to have.

There are some different ways to handle interchanging parts. I will try to explain, hopefully this is what you are looking for.


1. Create a family table of bolts, instance names M6, M8,etc.

2. Assemble one instancein an assembly which is declared to a layout, in this case M6

3. In the layout create a "string" parameter called bolt_size

4. In the assembly, enter pro/program. Find the section where it says "add part M6". Change the M6 to (bolt_size) brackets must be included.

5. Now if you change the value in the Layout of bolt size to equal one of your other instances like M8, the assembly will replace the part. Warning here layouts are case sensitive. You can also do this with parts that are not family tables but the must have the same assembly reference or you can use an interchange assembly to create reference tags.

You could also handle this using an integer for each case but then you will need to update the relation each time you add a new instance.

Let me know if this doesn't work or if you have more questions.

