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Leo Greenes shared part contour


New member
In this tutorial Leo adds a door or panel to a part by creating a second part.

I went throughLeo Greenestutorial and do not understand why a person cannot achieve the same result using extrusions. One extrusion to remove material and the other create the part that will fit in the hole.The part is fairly complicated with multiple surfaces. Is this why he couldn't use extrusions?

In the tutorial he uses copy/paste numerous times. Why is this necessary?


he is using a top down approach, meaning that he has defined the surfaces and overall shape of an assembled model in a single reference part and now he is going to extract the parts that make up the assembly model from the reference part. a more complicated example would be a car body which has been modeled using surfacing methods in a single part. this part may include doors,windows,hood,headlights,etc which are pretty complex in shape. using a similar approach the designer can extract different parts of the car from the reference part. another benefit is it's associativity, meaning that if the reference part changes shape, extracted parts will update accordingly.
BTW in this example the result of possible extrude features is different form the thicken feature.

Edited by: solidworm

