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Line thickness for logo with custom colors


New member
Hi guys,

I am creating a couple of new drawing formats for a customer, and he requested to have his logo in the title corner in color. He provided me with a vector file that I had not trouble with to import into the drawing format. The problem that I have is with the line thickness when you try to create a pdf or print the drawing though... The lines are printed so thick that they actually overlap each other and the logo becomes unreadable. Part of the logo is black, so I used the 'letter' color for that one, so the black portion of the logo now prints in nice thin lines. However, there is also an orange portion and I cannot get this portion to print in thin lines. I guess the system keeps thinking that this is part geometry and therefore prints in thick lines. Is there any way I can get these lines to print thinner and in the original orange color without messing around in the dtl file?

When you print it out in hard copy does it look correct? Could be a pen table issue. If you use a custom pen table for plotting and the logo looks right at that stage you can set the pdf to use the pen table and it should come out correct as well. I had a similar issue years ago where I couldn't get lines to look right and I ended up making my own pen table file to make the lines look right.

Thanks for your quick reply. I wanted to avoid having to mess around with pen table files actually, because I really don't have any experience with this and time is also scarce. I also don't want to use bitmaps for title corner logos, because I have read that these sometimes misbehave, and this also doesn't go very well if you need to export to DWG or DXF. Does anyone have any other ideas how to do this without changing pen tables?

If not, I might consider using different pen tables after all, and maybe I will consider creating batch files to load Creo with different config, pen table, ... files for different customers.


