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Lip around cut


New member
Hi I am trying to model a part in Wildfire2 but have the following problem. I have a cube shaped part that has a draft angle applied to one side. Through the part is an oval shaped hole that is cut all the way through the part including the side with the draft angle. I would like to cut a lip around the oval hole on the tapered side so that the inner lip surface is parallel with the tapered surface. The reason for this is because the cut out needs to house the part shown below. I can extrude using the shape shown to form the straight top and bottom parts of the lip but can't think of a way to continue the lip around the curved edges.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Edit : I created you a part unfortunatly im on wf4.

Once you have created your starting block and added your draft, create a datum offsetting the draft feature to your required lip depth. Then extrude your cuts to this new datum. You can use the offset feature in sketcher to offset the original cutout.

Long winded surface way lol :

Started basically by extruding the block with central cutout included as a surface. Added the Draft angle. Copied the drafted surface and pasted/move to required depth. Sketched onto the main surface and offset the sketch using the original cutout as guide giving you your lip depth. Did the same on the new pasted surface. Made a boundary blend between the two offset sketches. Solidified both and removed material. It worked.

Edited by: [-Skint-]
Adrian, yoyur pretty much there. In the extruded cut that created the horizontal elements of the lip, you can simply include the curved edges using the Use Edge function, there is an ofset option in this function.

What depth options did you use for the cut? If depth is an issue then whilst in the extrude cut createa datum plane ofset from your drafted surface to the depth required, continue with the extrude by pressing the play icon and do an extruded up to surface and select the newly created datum plane, you may have to pick it from the model tree as it is probably hidden, depends on your system setup.

If your still having problems with it then maybe you can post your part up and we can do a quick video showing how to do it.

Thanks for your replies..

[Skint], I am a little inexperienced with blends, do you simply create a sketch on the drafted surface and then again on the offsetted plane and somehow blend the two? I can't seem to get to your file btw.

Paddy, to create the cut I simply created a rhombus shape and extruded it towards the two curves, using remove material made the cut. I am aware of the 'Use Edge' function in sketcher but can't see how I would use it with this. The main part is: 2008-11-03_104908_prt0001.prt.zipif you wouldn't mind doing that quick video, it'd be a big help.

Thanks again.
Cheers guy's I've managed to do it by extruding from a vertical plane, into the model upto a slanted plane. It was easier than I thought but yeah thanks for all your quick responses.


