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local.ddb max size


New member
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my local.ddb file is about 2gb so you can imagine the problems I'm experiencing, the main one is an inability to save...anything to IntraLink

If I relocate the 2gig ddb file and let IntraLink start a new one I cant get to my existing workspaces...which haven't been checked in for some time

Is there a way to access the WS? I tried Importing / Exporting from the Proi folder even tried drag 'n drop. I'd rather not loose all the data in those workspaces


Don't forget the occasional compact of the database. Not only does it keep the local .ddb smaller, Intralink and Pro/e both launch instantly after a fresh compact.
thanx for your input folks

I tried using the ldbcompact.bat to reduce the size of the

ddb file could'nt...problem is when new .ddb is created and

I access the workspace in .proi the conectivity between intralink bulk items is gone


Don't worry about your local.ddb file size. However, delete it regularly after you have finished with your workspaces. You DO NOT need to delete the .proi directory as many people think you need to do. This way you do not need to worry about all your preference files getting deleted. Deleting the local.ddb file regularly is a better method than using ldbcompact.


