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lofted surface manipulation


New member
Hello all.
I've been experimenting with lofted surfaces, attempting to make a guitar neck. I've created the neck body and the headsock back using surfaces and I'm using a lofted surface to make a transition between the two. It works ok, but there is a fold in one area that I can't get rid of. I was thinking about breaking my lofted surface selection geometry and making 2 surfaces instead, but I'd rather see if it's possible to manipulate the surface I've created. any ideas?

One problem I think you have is that there are more entities in the headsock section than the neck. This can cause 'folds' like what you are showing. I assume, though it's hard to tell, that the headsock edge is split into 3. If it is, try spliting the neck into 3 as well.

SW allows you to convert a sketch into a spline as sell so that you don't have to break the other sketch up though I'm not sure if that can be done on 3D sketches.

Try that anyway and come back with your results and then can try and help some more.
Instead of creating multiple surfaces to overcome this problem, use the boundary surface and then create connectors (option) so that you cancontrol the flow of the surface UV between your first and second curves. Also that curve that contains the corner fillet where the tension is - make this sketch curve a single curve with the fit spline function so you don't have the vertices at the fillet arc.


Mark Biasotti

Product Manager - New Product Concepts

Dassault Syst
I'd look into using Surface fill. Selecting one closed spline and then the other closed spline. then by selecting tangent or curve for mating surface alignment.

good luck ...
Fit Spline?!?!

I've never heard of that, but I see it now in the drop down. Looks a lot cleaner than the "Insert 3D sketch, highlight, right-click, select chain, convert, exit sketch" method I've been using...

Sweet! Thanks, Mark!

