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Lost in translation


New member
hello fellows,

I have a question to submit about importing Alias
surfaces into Pro/E, which IMHO also involves
surface modeling in Pro/E, so I post that here rather
than in Data translation forum.

I have to import style surfaces (G1 and G2 checked) from Alias
into Pro/E (motorcycle fairing), but tangency and curvature continuity
get mostly lost in translation.

On the Alias side I tried to export by using all available formats,
included Granite v1, Granite v2, etc., and the part was created
following Alias manual recommendations for a successful export
to Pro/E, that is it was basically created on purpose for exporting
to Pro/E (both stitched and non-stitched surfaces have been tried
when exporting).

On the Pro/E side I tried to enable fix_boundaries_on_import, and
I also tried to manually zip gaps and fix tangency by using Heal Geometry,
that helped in getting a uniq quilt out of surfaces, but G1 is still missing.
I also tried to directly open Granite or Parasolid files, which causes
accuracy be changed to absolute, this improves G1 but not that much.
I tested the imported geometry by using GeomintegrityCHECK, its
reports changes according accuracy, but even setting accuracy as tight
as possible doesn't change that much (also, I don't think downward
engineering on that part being easy with a so tight accuracy).

OTOH, the very same STEP file I'm unable to correctly import within
Pro/E, is successfully imported within NX, where no complaints at all
are raised about G1 by its VDA4955 Checker.

I'm new to Pro/E, so maybe I'm missing something basic about Pro/E.
It seems to me that Pro/E is simply unable to deal with 5 degree
Alias surfaces, and it tries to refit all them into bicubics, so causing
loss of G1 and G2 continuity. As I understand such refitting tolerance
is just the part accuracy, I haven't found a proper setting for this.
I'm disappointed because it took a lot of time modeling in Alias
with 0.002 mm. accuracy just to get a so poor result.

Please let me know if you have a suggestion.


