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low-cost rapid prototyping small parts


New member
I've been noticing that some of these new polyjet machines such as some of the newer Objet and Z-corp ones look like they can produce some really impressive stuff. Generally the polyjet machines I've had experience with in the past were fantastic for high resolution at low cost (I've gotten a lot of Invision HR parts from, for example) for small parts.

The problem with the parts I've had made with the Invision HR, however, is that they are waay more fragile than ABS or SLA-thermoplastic, etc parts. They havedecent ultimate strength, but they basically shatter really easily.

So I wanted to try something else, like ordering from a company that has an Objet printer. I figured polyjet is a fundamentally cheaper way way making parts and that there's no reason why any newer polyjet machine should be much more expensive than an Invision HR. Unfortunately, the parts seem to be about 4 times as expensive everywhere I've gotten online quotes from!!!

Anyone know of a place or machine to look forthat's newer than theInvision HR but that can also produce small parts (just a couple inches in largest dimension) at low cost and high resolution?
I would give this place a try use the Stratysis FDM machines which make parts in ABS plastic, so they are very useful for snap fits etc. We have a Stratysis Dimension Elite machine and love it! Part size is the limitingfactor.Wall thickness is limited to 7 mil min and overall part size max is 8" x 8" x 10".If you don't require extremely high precision in a small part, this is the one for you
I haven't seen any difference in brittleness between invision hr and polyjet. The biggest difference is surface roughness & appearance - polyjet is much better.
For durability SLS, FDM, and SLA are the best bet in that order. SLA materials specifically have come a long way just in the last few years.

