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Low performing SW 2007 on MacBook Pro


New member
Hi everyone

I just start my experience with Solidworks and I installed 2007 trial on my MacBook Pro that runs Windows XP via BootCamp. My experience with it is not the best one.
I experience low performance when I sketch something - not complicated, just for example 4 squares or circles. however when i resize Solidworks window to quarter of the screen things get better.

my laptop specs:
2.4GHz Core2Duo CPU
GF 8600GT with 256MB DDR3 RAM
1920x1200 screen

i must say that I don't experience any problems in other software...

just to add that my old laptop 1.73 Intel Centrino/64MB atiX700 graphics/ 1GB DDR2 RAM performs better ony problem that SW starts much slower.

Any advice what to do to improve Solidworks performance?

My first guess is it is a RAM issue, is SW the only program you run or are
you also running other programs along side of it.

I run mine in both VMWare Fusion (Prefered method) or in Bootcamp,
under Bootcamp I have the full 3GB of my RAM available but in VMWare I
have it set to 1.25GB and it performs fine.

Having said that I do not run any other programs, just SW inside of
Windows. I use the all Mac software to do everything else.

I also run ProE 2001 and Wildfire2 no problems.

Make sure you have loaded the Bootcamp drivers, not just the Bootcamp
program... the drivers provide accelerated graphics.

If you still have trouble let me know.

I am going be a new comer into solidworks. Looking to buy a new system. Have not decided the exact configuration but looking into

Mac Pro 2 2.8 GHz quad core with 8800 GT card and 16GB ram

to run Solidworks office . I also as a beginner would need a lot of support. There are two companies I can purchase from " hawkridge systems" which are closer and GoEngineer in santa clara CA.

Would appreciate any comments and/or recommendations on both issues


