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Make surface from solid?


New member

I used to do this in 2000i back then, but I am lost in the wilderness here.

Assume that you have a solid part with some interesting surfaces. You want to make a volume using some of the surfaces. Where do you find the command for making surfaces out of... well... surfaces?

I may confuse stuff with quilts here, 'twas a while ago.

Thanks in advance!
click down to the geometry level of a surface (highlight a surface in pink)Then hit copy and paste to copy the surfaces.
Select the solid then click on a surface so taht it becomes highlighted.

Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V.

Does that work for you?
Probably you need other part where some surface are identicaly like in the first model?

So:you must create an another part and use from the "mother part"
these surfaces using:

insert>shared data>copy geometry

Your problem is after all that copy to close those new surfaces if you want create a new sold part

i hope that help

Hello all

The click on surface & copy thing worked! ^__^ Thanks a lot!

I'm actually using the surface for some tricky modeling of a weld bead along two parts in an assembly that is to be analysed in Pro/M. The edges are such that a swept solid doesn't work so I will have to make a lump that interferes into the parts and then cut away from their sides, leaving something doubly bent reminiscent of the real weld.

