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making a surface out of a topo map?


New member

i am new qwith pro e and i need to know if i can do this with pro e:

i have a stp (or dwg is an option too) file which is a topography map.

it is a 3d file but only made out of lines representing the different levels of the terrain.

I want to make this a surface so i can render it and ultimately use it in a 3d rendering/animation.

can i do this in pro e ?

my file shows the line as awhole and does not allow me to select each line one by one. can i explode it?

i am guessing that i might need to use the sweep function is that right?

I have done this creating a boundary blend surface but if I recall correctly I had splines to work with mapped out in 2 directions 90 degrees from each other this would make the selection quit easy.
Try creating datum planes at the specific topogrphical elevations. Creat a sketch of each elevation curve by selectin a loop to use with the use edge comand, then convert each elevation to an approximate cuve and then creat a bounded surface.

This may have to be done for each 'island" of elevation. Merges the sperate hills togeter and use surafe rounds to smooth out the intersections.
We had a client come in for surface training that developed prosthetics.
Their approach before training was to scan a human foot and build cross sections at datum planes
at increments or intervals. I was surprised to see the student use one surface to create the
entire form with 10 different sections or internal curves. I rebuilt a much
simpler surface out of less cross sections using a different scribe of curves.

I guess a topographical map would be much the same approach as the
prosthetic designer used. Cross section the thing until your blue then surface
the thing.

Edited by: design-engine
well thanks a lot for all your replies.
I found a real real easy to do exactly what i wanted in 3ds max.
Basically just had the .dwg file that is publicly available, it has to be made out of one layer so that all the curves (representing the terrain) are one item .
them just import it into 3ds max, and use the command "coumpound objects/ terrain.. and here you go.. just like magic..

thanks for your help

