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Making a wing using sweep/blend/surface


New member
Hi, I'm trying to make a wing and I need a way to copy the cross section to the other end of the two lines in the pic below (to make the shell via surfaces).

Is there a good way to do this? Every time I copy the section it just disappears when I try and paste it in a new sketch (because of constraints, I'm thinking).

I really just want the wing--I don't care if it's a shell or can be a blend or variable section sweep or whatever, I just want it to work.

Also, I tried those more advanced techniques and it doesn't let you use a previous sketch for the sweeps/blends, you have to define it all over again, which I don't want to do. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks a lot.

See a picture here:

And here is the part:
Edited by: Intamin
I was able to create the second sketch by select the vetices at the end of the lines as references, making an edge copy of the first curve and placing a sketch point on the round end of the sketch, copy the curve and the point and paste. You should see a red sketch with modification handles. Place your cursor over the white circle with the X inside, right mouse click and move the handle to the tail end of the sketch, then move the sketch so the tail end lines up with the appropriate reference point. Using the same procedure as before move the scale arrow to the point on the nose end of the sketch and drag the scale arrow to the appropriate reference point. Here are pictures of what I ended up with.
Thanks a lot! Turns out I totally forget about the "use edge" feature, but I have successfully done it now.

Thank you very much. :)
where did you get your wing profile?From points or is that a spline approximation?

By the way that little centerline that has bothered me till 2004 in the sketched conic is the cord of the wing.
Edited by: design-engine
Ive seen points generators. Im looking for one now where you enter various parameters and out pops 2d points for your loft profile. Anyone have one of those?
What's the best technique for creating a curve such as an aifoil cross section in Proe? I have tried this more than once and the curve usually contains many points. Proe wants to dimension every point in the sketcher.

How did the two of you do it?
How do you import the points so that ProE makes the curve of the wing? I have XY data points of each surface I could put into an excel file or into a text file. How do I accomplish this? Thanks!

C Thompson,
Thank you for the info on importing points! Does the points file contain any header information or is it just 2, or 3 columns of XYZ data? Thanks!


