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making features tangent in part mode


New member
View attachment 2827

I would like to make the lower circular edge of the cylindrical feature exactly meet the face of the square face it is sticking out of (so the feature barely isnt stick out anymore..."slid back" just enough). And, at the same time, I would like the top circular edge to perfectly match upw/ the upper flat face (cylindrical feature "slid down"). So basically, I would like the feature to just barely not stick out anymore and be completely buried within the big part (then I'll trim away the volume of noncylindrical part that lies outside of front of cylindrical part ie not doing something pointless).

I have WF3.0 student edition so Im not sure who can actually read the file but Im including it too. The cylindrical part was (both-sides) extruded from a plane thathas15deg angle relative to horizontal and that angle needs to bekept same.
Its very easy using surface cuts and project command. If you can't do it just private-message me and I will send you the solution.

I'm not sure I made clear what I am trying to do exactly. I am trying to move the cylindrical portion in order to be in a position that meets the criteria mentioned in my previous post. I want the cylindrical part to remain exactly the same, only in different position. I dont want to trim it. The trimming I mentioned was only of the squarer part, after the cylindrical part has been repositioned. The trimming/exclusion of outsideof noncylindrical part will be to make the cylindrical part visible.
Edited by: 2ms1
I think you are looking to so a surface patch if I hear you correctly.

To do so select blind for direction 1 towards the bottom of your
picture. and use to selected and pic the top surface of the solid part.
Then your Solidify Patch or cut should work.

Since you are creating a feature within another feature anyway, why don't you just do a 'revolve'. You would not need the other datum plane and can sketch in a view that has both surfaces visible to use as refererences.



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