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manifold modelling


New member
Hello everybody
I am trying to model a manifold. I have the 2D drawing and I want to create 3D model.
it has several defined sections. I taught the best way is using "boundary blend" because I have more than two trajectories for controlling the boundaries. I start from sketching the sections (6 different sections) and trajectories. then I try boundary blend. I selected 3 trajectories as first direction and sections as the second direction. but it only worked for first 3 sections. I tried to create another boundary blend with remaining sections but I encounter the error : "The curves do not form a loop"

Actually Pro/E shows me the final shape but when I OK it. I receive that error

anybody can help? anyway I am using WF3.
I had some contractors from Cummins Engine come for training with the same challenge. Look for control points in your boundary blend tool. That will minimize the yellow lines on your model. Plus you don't have to build up the quilt all in one surfaces feature. You do have the option to use multiple patches... just to get you thinking.

Remember too that your task seams to be just to model the duct when in reality it is to get a model for CFD. Which means just modeling the form is not your goal. You goal is to get an CFD then make modifications to your duct in multiple iterations quickly.

Good luck
Edited by: design-engine
I can't exactly tell from the pictures but is the part
symmetric? If so, it can help to modify one half of the
part (for at least the tricky surfaces) then mirror it
across the plane of symmetry.
"The curves do not form a loop" Usually this is to do with your original sketches in one of your sections, Check to make sure they are complete. Also check out the swept blend feature.
ORAZ said:
Hello everybody
I am trying to model a manifold. I have the 2D drawing and I want to create 3D model.
it has several defined sections. I taught the best way is using "boundary blend" because I have more than two trajectories for controlling the boundaries. I start from sketching the sections (6 different sections) and trajectories. then I try boundary blend. I selected 3 trajectories as first direction and sections as the second direction. but it only worked for first 3 sections. I tried to create another boundary blend with remaining sections but I encounter the error : "The curves do not form a loop"

Actually Pro/E shows me the final shape but when I OK it. I receive that error

anybody can help? anyway I am using WF3.

Hello there,

I am looking for some manifold drawing either 2D or isomatric. if Any body have can u please mail mea copy on [email protected]. I have some drawings on ball valves, gate valves, electric actuator, Pipeline end manifoled and Pipeline End termination. Please feel free if u need them.



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