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Mapkey and/or Parameter help


New member

I currently have to rename / reorder some parameters in Pro-E. The current method i have to do:

Save the parameters in a text format

Save the pre and post regeneration relations

Save the family table excel file

Unassign the material

Delete the relations

open pro-program and put in the new parameters, save, reopen and delete

copy the parameter values from the saved file

reassign the material

input any part specific parameters

input the relations from the saved files

input any parameters into the family table

open the excel file and reinsert the values for the any parameters which were deleted

This is a very long and tedious process. I am looking into using a map key for some of the processes but i can not get everything automated. If anybody has any ideas or better yet if there were a way to rename/reorder parameters it would be extremely helpful.


To automate the parameter and relations editing, you could use ModelCHECK, where you setup basic rules and then apply those rules to all the parts in question with batch file (which can also run in background).
Would you be able to give me more information about reordering the parameters using modelCHECK?
The other manual way to perform this operation is creating a new parameter and then sliding it into the correct location... I was just hoping there was more of an automatic way to do this. We have not implemented ModelCHECK yet but are in the process of getting it established among the many other projects that are currently going on.

I just created a mapkey that creates new parameters by creating a relation to existing parameters (one a string, one a real number). After starting the creation of the mapkey;

1 Open the Relations Editor.

2 Addthe needed relations; IE if you need a TITLE parameter as opposed to a DESCRIPTION parameter use TITLE=DESCRIPTION. This creates the new parameter TITLE with the same value as DESCRIPTION.

3. Close the Relations Editor. After the model regenerates, open the Relations Editor again and delete the relations. Close the Editor.

4. Open either the Relations Editor or the Parameters Table. Delete the old parameters.
Edited by: PRStock

