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Hi Everyone:

I created a mapkey for new part( create new part and rename), is was working fine until a open a file with a assembly in it. Then the mk was given me o copy of the assembly to be rename. any adeas why this is happening?

thanks in advance.
Edited by: arroyopr
First of all your question is not very clear.

second mapkey you should save in file and third you use latest build.

Wf 2.0 M 180 is stable, Wf M260 is stable, Proe2001004290 is stable.

Hi Israr:

Thank you for your reply. I'll tryto elaborate a little better. I found what was my mistake. First of all I have wf2-m30 and my conifg. are just fine infact I made copy the one we have and renamed it for test intent only so is localy save and i'm the only one with access to it. My mistake was that when i record the new part, I was openning a standart part with the parameters we use for the dwg.fmt. So what is doing is renameming that prt. and then when where's no more strd.prt it opening and renaming the stdrt.asm. i just should open new part(ptc prt0001) and record that to be rename then it always the open prt.0001 to be rename. Now ny new question is, Is there a way to add parameters to the ptc prt.001 as i need them and were cand i find it?
Edited by: arroyopr

