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Mechanical Engineering Senior Project


New member
I am heading up a project for my class. We are designing a rail buggy for our senior project. One of the things that we are going to need is a motor that is drawn in Pro/E. We have come up with our design for our rail buggy and it would save us alot of time and trouble if anyone happened to have, or know where I could get, a file of a VW motor to put on our buggy. Wecan transfer almost any type of file if you have a motor that is in something other than Pro/E. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has any questions about our project, or any advise that would help us, we would be very appreciative. My email is [email protected]. Thank you for stopping and reading my post.
I dont know about a VW motor but try content Central for downlods, this is a solidworks owned site but you can download in proe format

hope i,ve been of some help

