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Mechanism & Collision Detection


New member
Many SW folks I come up against tell me... the basic package of SW lets users do collision detection to sound an alarm or bell and/or stop the dragging of the component. I tell them Creo Does too.

The problem is those SW cheerleaders may also know Creo but can’t get the collision detection to work because for one PTC developers decided to hide the allowance for that functionality under a setting. SMART ;o

To boot, the collision detection config option is hiding under animation category and not the mechanism category. If you're going to hide that functionality that's the best way to hide it. Maybe there is a good reason to even have that option hiding under a config setting in the first place? Maybe not? Either way I would suggest to lose the ‘enable_advanced_collision’ config setting altogether and simply add all the options that should be available under the ‘ANALYSIS PLAYBACK’ icon. Question tho: why are collision settings under PLAYBACK icon anyways?

It seems a fresh brain was used to rethink the user interface from 2001 to WF and a fresh brain was used to redesign the user interface from WF to Creo. I just think it wasn't completely thought out by with a fresh perspective by people who use the software. Comments?
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I don't know if I would call it a "fresh" brain that designed the Creo interface......damaged brain would seem more likely to me ;o)

