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Mechanism joints fail with multiple model


New member
I have an assembly of a cylinder which contains a cylinder constraint. When I assemble multiple versions of this cylinderin the same assembly using mechanism jointscauses all later instances to follow the exrtension limits of the first and therefore they will not connect.

Can anyone suggest a reason why this happens and or a sollution?

This is because the sub-assembly can not assume different configurations in the same assembly. This is an issue many others have experienced. There are two typical solutions:

<ul>[*]Make independent copies of the sub-assembly (I had to do this eight times for a damper on a 4-axle vehicle), or[*]bring the sub-assembly up to the top-level[/list]Unfortunately, both of these options make a mess of the BOM structure. The way I delt with this was to use Pro/PROGRAM to have an "analysis" configuration (with the independent copied sub-assemblies) and a "standard" configuration with a good BOM output but no mechanisms.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any additional questions.

