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mechanism question


New member
Hi All,

I'm a fairly new user.

I'm designing a chuck. I'm using a slider connection for the jaws to slide in the main body.

Is there a way to make the jaws move in opposite directions together. What I mean is, can I assemble the jaws in a way that when I drag one jaw away from the center of the chuck, the oppposite jaw will also move away from the center? And if that's possible, can it be done for all 4 jaws?

It's not critical that I can do this, it's more that I am learning pro/e, and I want to know it's capabilities.


I sort of cheated.

The 4jaws used a slider mechanism to slide in and out of the chuck radially, but they were doing it independently. I added a plane at an angle on the jaws(I used 45 degrees, but it could be anything)

I created a part, I called link, with no geometry, only 4 planesat the same 45 degreeangle, and at 90 degrees to each other. then I connected this part to the 4 jaws with a planar mechanism.

So when I moved one jaw, the par link moved up to remain co planar with that jaw, this made the other 3 jaws move as well so that they would also satisfy the planar constraints.

I hope that explains it. I never got it to work with the scroll though, I didn't have the time to fiddle with that.
Many options on this one. Creating a circle to mate the jaws to, then resize the circle. would be another

