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Mental Ray Rendering (3DS MAX)


New member
i'll never scanline again!

Done in Pro/E and rendered with 3DS Max?? That is a beautiful render. I love to see that sort of thing. Keep up the good work!! BTW what is Scanline? Something in Pro's rendering?? Thanks,

Edited by: design3d
hi Seth,


sorry, i should have provided details.

modeled in Pro/E, exported to 3DS MAX using nPower translator, rendered in 3DS MAX using the Mental Ray renderer as opposed to the default scanline rendering engine.

Edited by: fhodshon
hi fhodshon,

it's a amazing work.well done.i like the rendered blue material in the bottom.

btw,what is npower translator? is it a software?
i usually export the *.part files as*.igs or *.3ds,and they can be used in 3dmax too.

so i'm just wondering what the advantage about using nPower is...
grendel said:
i usually export the *.part files as*.igs or *.3ds,and they can be used in 3dmax too.

so i'm just wondering what the advantage about using nPower is...

Exactly what version of Pro do you have where you can export .3Ds files? The reason why there isnt many people doing this transfer is because surface colors get merged during the transfers and things will be required to be a color with another object that you dont want. I am sure there is some way to export in MILDFIRE that will completely transfer all information accurately but I am yet to find it and I have both programs. Nice looking render btw.
It screws up surfaces and mixes the colors together, it did with me anyway. I cant get them to read anyway, only solids. I also still do not have .3Ds format, what version of pro do you have that supports .3Ds format? I've used NTranslater and it still messed up my layers on surfaces. Every model I have ever tried to bring into 3dsin igs format was brought in butchered for some reason. Holes, big ass gaps in the surfaces.

These aregood renders but very comparable to photorenderer quality. Please dont take this the wrong way, I'm not cutting these renders down by any means.

Nice modeling on the drill BTW.

My goal is simply to get similar 3DS rendered, still imageswith WILDFIRE. I think it can be done. I am trying to figure ways to incorporate a few of the most common rendering tricks with 3DS and Lightwave into WILDFIRE. The problem is wildfire doesnt have alot of te settings as the rendering programs so they need to be fooled. I really believe ARX is much more powerful than we think.

I am all for 3DS, their renders are beautiful, but your company would rather send finished products out to a rendering house who already has 3DS rather than buy a rendering program just for presentation purposes. I dealt with this issue at my lastwork place, they knew of the possibilities of being able to render but until you put it in front of their faces they wont see what a rendered model can really show for detail as compared to a nonrendered model. If you master rendering on PRO, you will have a skill that 95% of pro users dont. Its never even been an option to use PRO as a renderer in major companies but it will be soon, why not be the first? The better we make the rendering package look in WILDFIRE, the more time PTC will put into upgrading the package. Do you have any idea how much time and money companies would save nothaving to send their models out to be rendered for presentation purposes? Now its becoming an option.
Edited by: CPiotrowski

i'm so glad to get your reply.and i admirethat you are soaccommodatingand pure-hearted.
oh, of course admire you for your work too! "Mustung" is a really amazing work!

as aPro/E addict, i partly agree with your isthe mostpowerful modeling software that i haven't ever seen before.and idontplan to touchUGor Catia, since i learnedProe.But on the other side ,ithinkproe isnot that goodin rendering aspect.i work for a design department in a corporation now,and we have some softwares here. comparing with the other rendering softwares, Pro/E isbit of less comfortable to needs more patiences to get the grade what we that i'm learing modeling in Pro/E,while rendering in 3dsmax.but in different situations,the choice will be different.i totally agree with youon the relationship of cost and software.withoutbudget on software and strict rendering request,Pro/E is aperfect choice.

btw,i usuallysave the part files as*.igs to Rhino which is a nurbs modeling software, and delete the unwanted surfaces and curves,then i export them to 3dsmax in 3ds format for rendering.i hopethis stupid and complicated transferwill not confuse you any more.

grendel said:
... it isthe mostpowerful modeling software that i haven't ever seen before.and idontplan to touchUGor Catia, since i learnedProe. ...


Just as a side-thought : anything can be done better, cheaper, faster, ... so it's always good to keep an open eye on other software. I know, the more programs you learn the more it's difficult to be professional on all of them, but that's no reason not to be alert.

Hi Alex,

That's why i choose only 2 software in my work.And it's stilldifficult to be professional,because i'mtoo lazy


