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Merge parts retrieval issue - Teamcenter


New member
Merge part definition:
In Pro/E, Merge reference parts areused in the creation of cutout feature (external reference) in casting models considering the merge reference part as a core/die. We have several castings created using the merge reference parts.

Pro/E Wildfire Vs Teamcenter Engineering
The main issue that we are facing with these casting models made of merge reference parts are RETRIEVAL problems from Teamcenter Engineering (TcE). When we retrieve these models from Teamcenter Engg using "Latest Working" or " Precise Only", it fails to retrieve the merge reference parts which in turn makes the whole assembly to the failure mode. Though the reference part is available in the database, it says reference merge part cannot be retrieved.
The solution that we have at the moment to retrieve these loosely referenced merge parts (or die parts) are using the special custom filter option while retrieving the files from Teamcenter Engg along with "latest working" or "precise only" mode. We understand that the special filter option is required because these reference merge (or) die parts are not listed in the Product Structure Editor in TcEfor any of the assemblies, but are loosely referenced by one or more of the models in an assembly.

Though there are "special filters option" to retrieve these loosely referenced merge parts from TcE, there are no such option available during the Auto-tessellation process in creating JT files. We have been posted of numerous model failure issues by the configuration Engineers because of these retrieval problem of reference merge parts from Teamcenter Engg preventing the JT file creation.

Can you please help us in identifying any workaround in fixing these reference merge part retrieval from Teamcenter Engg other than the special filter option (or) Is there any way this issue can be addressed through Auto-Tessellation process in JT file creation?

Please let me know if you require any further information.

