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Merge vs Copy Geom


New member

In part modeling, I see I can share data between parts by "External Merge"or "Extern Copy Geom". Ignoring inheritance for the moment, can someone compare and contrast these two data sharing strategies. I know it can depend on the part's needs, but I'm asking what are their benefits and limitations.
Merge is similar to assembling a component to a part. Kinda like placing a part to an assembly. It's general rather than specific.

Copy Geom is very specific. This allows you to select any physical features such as an axis, surface(s), point, line, etc.
Sorry for hi-jacking this thread, but my Copy Geometery button (Insert > Shared Data > Copy Geometry) is grayed out.... How the heck do I access that function? It's WF3.


Edited by: marker4x4
Oh really? It worked on 2001, now it's gone in WF3 - same license though.... weird.
trillicomm said:
marker, you probably have a limited WF3, I am not sure but it's something about Flex..
cowboy, you have an application to use? The answers to your question depend on what you want to do. Send some screen shots.

Copy geom is good for assembly design. It's good for top down design..

Merge is exemplified as you cut out a hole using the surface area of the merged component. Or add the merged component onto a part. The best approach is to define lots of coordinate systems.
Thanks trillicomm. I'm starting a new part so I have nothing worth showing yet.

It is a casting and I want to be able to switch "core boxes" for different vane directions. I'm working in part mode, not assembly if I can help it just now. I noticed that I could Merge in part mode and wondered if it had any advantage over Copy Geom.

BTW it's copyboy not cowboy. A cowboy has a more honorable profession, don't you think?

I'd guess that you should use Inheritance. Create a Merge and switch it to Inheritance. It will show all the features as a sub-model.

sorry about the name

