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Merged Datums


New member
Oh, gosh, am I in trouble. I merged a forging to a blank part (just datums) so I could maintain associativity between the forging and my material for the machining model. Now I'm trying to add GD&T, but I can't name the datums because it's apparently referencing the datums from my merged feature and saying the names already exist. Is there a way to either:

a) make ProE ignore the merged datums?
b) make ProE ignore the associativity of the datums (i.e. not merge all of the features, and leave the GTOL datums out of my merged feature)?

The drawing is due at COB tomorrow, so I don't have time to remodel it. How screwed am I?
this is pretty easy, and iscovered in the PTC online knowlegebase (just search for the words "merge" and"datum"), but I will summarize the process:

In your new part, you will need to 'rename' those specific datums to something else so that you can re-use the names. This will NOT affect the names of the datums in the source model.

In the target model:
<LI>Now search for your datums (A, B, C, etc.) and rename them (use Ctrl-F to search by name)</LI>[/list]

Happens here all the time.

-Brian Adkins
I figured out a different way...I redefined my merged feature and changed it to not "CopyDatums". I had to redefine some features on my machining model, but it appears to have worked.


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