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Michigan .... whats with the BUZZ


New member
Michigan has a BUZZ in the air ... I guess BAE is ramping up with a job fair (last week).... Looking for Pro/E people.

Anyone else hear the buzz?There is no economy problem there. They just don't know Pro/E there. Ive never seen Michigan so talked about!

Edited by: design-engine
They have more job openings there than anyplace else in the country. Check this out. WFTI heard that the police had to chase people out in the end.

Defense contractor BAE Systems will hold a career fair Friday in Troy, seeking at least 200 new employees as part of an ongoing expansion effort in Sterling Heights.

The company’s Ground Systems division will meet with mechanical engineers, designers, project engineers, program managers and supply chain specialists from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Troy Marriott on Big Beaver Road.

BAE Systems last month closed on the purchase of the former TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. plant in Sterling Heights to grow its ground systems engineering presence and coordinate with the U.S. Army Tacom Life Cycle Management Command in nearby Warren on ground vehicle contracts.

The expansion has been under way since BAE received $22.1 million in tax incentives last spring from the Michigan Economic Growth Authority in return for a pledge to add up to 460 jobs and invest up to $58 million locally.

At the end of 2008, BAE had 200 employees in Southeast Michigan — up from 40 at the end of 2007, according to Steve Field, media relations manager.

BAE Systems estimates 2008 revenues were approximately $4.5 billion companywide.

In addition to the Sterling Heights location, its Ground Systems division has operations in Santa Clara, Calif.; Anniston, Ala.; and the division headquarters in York, Pa.
bout 6,000 people showed up. The police had to chase everyone out. -bae-systems-job-fair#

Most job seekers did not get in.

How do you get ahead of the crowd?

Train at Design Engine! Then update your resume after our world class hands on training!

Edited by: call_steve
michigan.... no job problem.... come on up to the great state with the the highest unemployment rate I believe over 10% this month. Why 6000 showed up because most of Detroit is unemployed. As far as knowing Pro-E there are few engineers left so there are some pro-e jobs available especially on the east side of the state. Windchill admin also.

And every day on our local news we here of more people being let go. Not to mention that some of the jobs posted are just companies that are just fishing. Sure you'll get the phone interview and maybe a site interview, but they really don't have a need. Then if they aren't totally impressed your "Black Listed" and good luck trying to get in there again.
I was mocking the state by saying there was no job problem. I am surprised that more defense contract companies like BAE don't take initiatives in MI ... like Northrup, General Dynamics, etc...Did you read that BAE got some serious Tax incentives?

I have a past student that a took multiple choice questionnaire. He actually has over 4 thousand hours on Pro/E. Totally qualified. Administered classes for design engine... he, like me can't do multiple choice questionnaire got the black list.
Thanks for clarifying your original post design-engine. I thought maybe you had been asleep in a cave for several months

If someone is interested in jobs at great compaines like BAE Systems, come to Austin. We never got the memo about the down economy here.
We actually work closely with the Unemployment offices in multiple cities in MI, We only have one past student not working in Pro/E... the one mentioned above. We even helped a multitude of students get jobs in the furniture industry, Herman Miller, Steelcase, and Knoll but that is grand rapids.

I have a meeting with an IL State Representative this morning.

I heard CASE let go a slew of contractors yesterday.I have to say that None of the past four week design engine comprehensive students got let go this first round at CASE by the way.

Im curious if that BAE job fair with the police showing up and all made the Detroit news ?
Edited by: design-engine
-- design engine aided another student to get a job in MI -- Again.

The jobs are in MI and I don't get it!
Edited by: design-engine
Another Michigan guy here. Having traveled and done business in several states I havedeveloped this opinion: Compared to the other states I been to (mostly southern tier) Michigan has in place agood education and training infrastructure geared toward manufacturing.Most colleges have engineering programs, and the are numerous community colleges and training centers with state of the art equipment aimed at prepairing people formanufacturing and technical. Its a pity to see the jobs go elsewhere, away from these trained people. Many saddle up and move. We find it very difficult to find qualified people at our other plant locations the south.

I'm not trying to slam the south, there are obvious reasons the companies set up there. Its just that with 100 years of manufacturing in your area, you tend to build a support system around it. Now the manufacturing is shrinking, but the support structure remains. The end result is trained people in the wrong geographical area. Hence a shortage of jobs for trained people, and a mass exodus from the state.
Interesting point.Im just excited that we can help a few contractors get new jobs or keep old jobs as the news shows Detroit unemployment problems.Int he past CAT would take all the brain drain from Michigan. Now companies like BAE are smart enough to try to leverage the talent there... the users tend not to know Pro/E tho and there is not infrastructure there to teach those masses. Only the most progressive hop the train and pay for training.
Being from Michigan D-E, let me know if you need any help with anything. I'll see what I can do. A few of us in the group have a number of contacts.

