three months ago i have done the migration from Pro Intralink 3.2 to Pro Intralink 3.4 and from Pro Engineer 2001 to Pro Engineer Wildfire 2.0, after migration i have seen that when I a Check-out an assembly that inside has some parts that are family table instances, in the assembly family table rows I don't find the correct instance but te generic file, to work I must replace the generic whit the correct instance, the assembly has lost the family table memory.
Before migration
001_gen.asm contains 000_gen.prt, 100_gen.prt and 200_gen.prt
001_gen.asm has two instances 001.asm and 002.asm
in the family table I replace the *_gen.prt with some instances and I have the following table configuration:
001_gen.asm 000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
001.asm001.prt&nbs p;101.prt201.prt
002.asm002.prt&nbs p;102.prt202.prt
(001.prt and 002.prt are 000_gen.prt instance, 101.prt and 102.prt are 100_gen.prt instance, 201.prt and 202.prt are 200_gen.prt instance)
After migration I Check-out the 001_gen.asm with all instances and all required configuration, I open 001_gen.asm with Pro E WF 2.0, I go to read the family table and I find the following configuration.
001_gen.asm 000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
001.asm000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
002.asm000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
Somebody are able to help me
Before migration
001_gen.asm contains 000_gen.prt, 100_gen.prt and 200_gen.prt
001_gen.asm has two instances 001.asm and 002.asm
in the family table I replace the *_gen.prt with some instances and I have the following table configuration:
001_gen.asm 000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
001.asm001.prt&nbs p;101.prt201.prt
002.asm002.prt&nbs p;102.prt202.prt
(001.prt and 002.prt are 000_gen.prt instance, 101.prt and 102.prt are 100_gen.prt instance, 201.prt and 202.prt are 200_gen.prt instance)
After migration I Check-out the 001_gen.asm with all instances and all required configuration, I open 001_gen.asm with Pro E WF 2.0, I go to read the family table and I find the following configuration.
001_gen.asm 000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
001.asm000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
002.asm000_gen.prt 100_gen.prt 200_gen.prt
Somebody are able to help me