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minimum no of curves for draft hinges

cant say that i know the minimum, and that must be dependent of your geometry. On the other hand, i dont know why you would want to use as few as possible. Use the complete loop and not just "from -to" to make your model as robust as possible. Like you when you pick the surfaces to be drafted, i supposed you didnt picked then one at the time, and that you used "loop surfaces" instead?

yeah I got your point,thanks for the reply.I was just trying to find out other possible selections so that the draft will live on.
If by loop surfaces you mean seed and boundary surfaces,nope,i have picked them one by one.
Ok! In this particular case i meant "Loop surfaces" and not "seed and boundary".

When you select your surfaces to be drafted, select the top surf, hold down shift key and select the edge of the surf. Then all surfaces connected to the top surface will be selected. If youchange the geometry of thesurfaces to be drafted, oradd roundsetc, then your "loopsurfaces" will remain selected and updated as long as they are connected to the top surf.

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Edited by: tobbo
View attachment 5486

Suppose I
have the model given where I have to create draft on top faces.

selecting the top curves as draft hinges ,I have to select all of them

curves) or the draft will fail.

View attachment 5487

I can select some of the curves that are tangent and not all of them.

here, I did selection of the selected curve and then the opposite one

while holding Shift and selecting one of the
"From-To loop".

But I
don't know the minimum no. of curves I need to select.

Argh, typed my entire replay, and lost it when the CAPTCHA was wrong.

Of course, you need at least one, but the real limit here is that the curve must fully intersect the drafted surfaces. If you leave one edge off, that adjacent surface has no hinge.

If your top is planar or if there's a plane that the edges all lie on, I'd use that instead. That tells Pro/E to pivot the geometry where that plane and the drafted surfaces intersect. The surface is going to be more robust (edges are the least stable geometry in Pro/E) and having a singe reference is more robust than several.
@dgs<br style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">Thanks for the reply.<br style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">In this case,edges are non-planer,so I think selecting edge chain is the only way out,since using any of the planes will add material on top surface.
View attachment 5492
Hi Kanishk,
Doug is correct and he says you "can" use the top surface as the hinge direction if it is a plane; but that is not a requirement. If that top surface is one surface then you can use its edge as the draft hinge and select some otehr reference as a draft direction (plane coordinate systems axis etc.). This is definitely the method I would use as it is very robust. If it is not all one surface then there are tricks to get that state (approximate curves etc.)

I think the "number of edges question" is moot as the example you show as a "from to" selection will actually get all the edges in this example even though the highlighting looks partial. The reason in this case is that you have a larger cylinder shape that you are selecting to and ProE is interpolating the rest of the cylinder (like when you pick one edge for a round and ProE selects all tangent edges by default with only the one edge highlighted). As all the edges on this top surface are tangent you may only have to pick one edge to get the whole loop but I would not use this method even if it works (see first paragraph)

Hope this helps
Thanks for the reply.I think that ends it.If I select one of the loops,doesn't matter which one,Pro/E already selects(or knows) the parent chain and therefore we get the same result.

