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Can anyone detail the steps to mirror an assembly in Wildfire 2. I've done it in 2001 but it's been about a year ago and it seems to be different in Wildfire 2.
Yes, simply click the create new button which is located under the add new component button. You select assembly and type in a name. You will be given an option to make that new file simply a mirror of another assembly. It will ask for a datum plane to mirror it against! It is very quick, but some complex geometries don't mirror well if you are using a relative accuracy! (sometimes the inversion of normals causes some strange math to occur. When that happens you can usually see that it highlights the bad geometry in green in the location where it is trying to mirror it.)
How about another question then about mirror.

If one mirrors an assembly (RH & LH) and one wants to alter one of the hands are they linked to each other?

If so, then how do you unlink them?

We have not found an easy way to create RH and LH parts without having them linked to each otehr.
This depends on what you want to do. Every feature you put into an assembly will go in to the mirrored assembly once you regenerate it. You can add features to the mirrored assembly though. They will not reverse back into the original assembly.

It isn't as quick, but you can always create new parts and use a "copy geometry from other model" feature under the "insert/shared data tabs" Go through the options and select the geometry you want. (you can select the solid) Once you have chosen the solid, you can mirror it with the part and "cut"away the old solid.

Copy geometries can be set to be independent which means they can stand alone!

