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Mirror Part in WF3.0


New member
I'm a newbie to the site. Looks really helpful, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I have geometry that needs to correspond to a global coordinate center.Manyof my components are left-hand / right-hand components centered about this origin. I not only need to mirror the geometry(which works fine), but I also need its position to the coordinate origin to be mirrored.

Is there a way to define what plane/axis that the "Mirror Part" operation will use?

Thanks in advance for the replies
Yes, when you mirror a part, you have to select a surface or datum plane that serves as mirror plane .
I assume you use the 'dummy assembly' method to mirror the parts ?
( create a dummy assembly, insert the left hand part, then "Insert / Component / Create / Mirror ....")

Or perhaps you are using another method to mirror the part ?


Edited by: EddyVE
Thanks Eddy. I have been trying the "Mirror Part" operation while working on the part level. With this part open under "File>Mirror Part" I was thinking there might be a config option for defining a default mirror plane.

I have taken the dummy route before, and was hoping for something a little cleaner without association to the dummy. If I don't use the assembly references
It doesnt matter whether you use the WF 3.0 way of file->mirror part or the WF2 and older way of creating a dummy assembly, it will always use theFRONT plane to locate its WCS.

If you use the dummy assembly and mirror about the right datum plane, then reassemble the component at DEFAULT you will see it assemble as if it was mirrored about the FRONT.

That has been my experience anyway.


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