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Mirroring a surface


New member
I'm trying to determine a method for mirroring a 3D surface, or splines, or points, about a different 3D surface as the mirror "plane", except the mirror isn't a flat plane.

The goal is to compensate a CAD model to generated QC CMM data in the form of splines, surfaces or points.


The produced part is plastic, so there is shrinkage and/or growth in certain areas, therefore these surfaces have to be compensated, along their normal vectors, by the exact amount of surface deviation, but in the opposing direction. The idea is that in reality the compensated surface will be brought to it's theoretical position when the plastic part has been molded and allowed to shrink, which normally results in a "warped" or misshapen part. This is why many plastic parts have a GD&T tolerance on designated 3D profiles.
there are at least 10 ways to mirror a surface. I suggest creating a copy of the surface using cont-l copy and past then mirroring that surface. The shrinkage is best accomplished using Pro/MOLD BTW.I had to read your post a couple times to understand what your doing.

