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Mirroring whole part without datums


New member
I'm designing a symmetrical part in
Wildfire 3 and have created a mirror feature by selecting the part in the model
tree. This works fine but it also duplicates the initial datum planes, which
does nothing but make selection more difficult. Is there a way to ignore some
features when mirroring the whole part?

I've also tried just selecting the parts after the primary datum features, but
when I do this I can't add more features to the mirror as I create them as
there is no "Mirror Items" box in the dashboard. I suspect this is
something to do with the difference between mirroring geometry and mirroring
features. However, if I mirror the whole part, then redefine the mirror
feature, it gives me the "Mirror Items" option and I can remove the
part, but can't add the features I want. According to the help "To
redefine the mirror item, you must cancel the current mirror operation. Select
alternate items to mirror and then restart the mirror tool."

I thought I could just hide the datum features, but this doesn't seem possible.
The Feature Operations menu doesn
Select your part from the top of the model tree. Edit > Mirror and select your plane or surface to mirror about.

Hide your mirror feature and save status in layers. This will permanently hide all non-solid geometry in the mirror feature. There is no other way to filter out datums created in your mirror.

Thanks for the help, the method doesn't work on this part because it is a surface model, but will certainly come in useful on other parts.

Much appreciated,

A small method to hide mirror datums

before mirroring the part geometry hide all datums through layers. then create the mirror.

now you will see only mirror datums create one more layer find the shown datums through find tool and put them in another layer and hide.

