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missing model in assembly


New member
i have an assembly that was done by someone who worked here before me and now i cant open it. it is telling me the component model is missing. i found the component i need and it is actually in the same folder as my assembly. i assume the assembly lost the "coordinates" of the component file but i dont know how to show the assembly where the file is. how can i reattach the file location to the assembly. any help is appreciated. thanks
Is the missing model a family table instance? Or was it a family table memeber at some point and now isn't? When family tables are involved you have to be careful that the 'path' to the model is correct although you can easliy get round this by tricking Pro/E if you need to. If this ISN'T the case, open up your model into session FIRST and then open up your asembly. The assembly should open correctly.
i tried opening the part first and then the assembly but it didnt work. i have done that before and it worked but not with this one. im not sure if it is in a family table or anything. the lady who worked here before had a much higher understanding of proe and i am self taught. i cant imagine that it would be in a table as it is a part that is only in this one assembly. any other ideas.
I know the contract companies that work for CAT have that problem a great deal. The permanent guys at CAT place all the files on CD. except for about 20 parts. The Cat guys use a path structure where the contractor is not set up correctly or is out of date and the files just don't exist. There are several steps or even a process for fixing the problem. one is to communicate better with the manufacturer. With any luck they can test their assembly on a different machine. I always say a professional takes an extra 20 minutes testing something before considering complete. Not in your case because the other drafter is out or not there anymore.

Another is to make a list of the files that are missing as each error comes up and search for them over the network (or your machine). I like to get multiple machines working at once. Read the error correctly too. One error could say the file is missing completely while the other is having a constraint problem. Open those eyes and make the process practical. This is a good test for hiring. If you can work thru these problems you will become an expert much faster than the old guys.

Edited by: design-engine
If you have the file at hand and in the same directory and ProE doesn't take it then you might have 2 different files with the same name.

Best way I know to save everything is to "backup" to a separate folder and copy everything from there. Should include everything and works easy since ProE primarely looks in one folder and only afterwards along search paths.

I suppose You miss an instance which generic name is left the same but the instance name itself is changed.

To be sure what exactly part Pro\e is missing take advantage of error message window.

There is the info listed with name of missing parts.

Still You do have a possibility to replace such a model with any other

in Resolve mode > Fix > Component > Adv utilities > Replace

with this You can replace missing model with another one with totaly different name.

Disadvantage - You have to set all constraints again.

